News: School Suspensions

Revisiting Title IX’s Sexual Harassment Requirements While Avoiding Secondary Victimization: A Procedural Primer. Why Do Too Many Districts Not Know (or Abdicate) their Responsibilities?

Blog provides a detailed overview of the federal Title IX Sexual Harassment law—describing definitions, required procedures, and sample district policies in specific areas relative to responding to an...

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Michigan Mother Found Guilty of Manslaughter in Her Son’s School Shooting: Should Schools Lean-In to Hold Parents More Accountable for their Children’s Behavior?

On February 6, 2024, Jennifer Crumbley was found guilty of four counts of involuntary manslaughter for allowing her son to bring a gun to school where he killed four and injured seven others. This Blo...

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Solving Schools Most Persistent Problems: Safety and Mental Health Services, Discipline and Disproportionality, Special Education Litigation, and Staffing Shortages

Four recent Education Talk Radio interviews are integrated into this Blog discussing solutions for four persistent problems in our schools today: (a) School Safety and their Connection with Needed Men...

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Why “Do” SEL If It Doesn’t Improve Student Behavior in the Classroom and Across the School?

Blog describes the components, social skills, instructional approach, and implementation characteristics to help schools teach students behaviorally-observable interpersonal, social problem-solving, c...

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Maybe It’s the (Lack of) Money that Explains the Relationship Between Black-White Achievement Gaps and Disproportionate Disciplinary Suspensions?

Analyzing the Results of a New National Study: Why Some “Two-Dimensional Problems” Need “Three-Dimensional Thinking”Dear Colleagues,Introduction   Every day, I get e-mail briefings discussing or analy...

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Analyzing Your School Discipline Data Now . . . to Prepare for the New School Year (Part III)

Conducting “Special Situation Analyses” for Your Hallways, Bathrooms, Buses, Playgrounds, and CafeteriaDear Colleagues,Reviewing Parts I and II of this Blog Series, and Introducing Part III   This thr...

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