News: Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Bringing Justness to Terrorism, Murder, History, and Heartbreak: It’s Not Alright (Part II—A Eulogy of Resolve)

On Saturday, October 7th—a Jewish holiday—Hamas terrorists entered Israel from the Gaza Strip and tortured and slaughtered over 1,400 innocent Israelis, injured over 2,200 more, and kidnapped over 200...

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What Boston’s Battle for Integration, Anne Frank, and the Little Rock Nine Can Teach a Divided Country: Why Black Lives, History, and Education Matter

Through an autobiographical and historical journey, this Blog describes how the author's awareness and understanding of Black history and “being Black in America” has evolved over the years. With comp...

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Twelve Critical Components for (Continuous) School, Staff, and Student Improvement: Motivation Cannot Compensate for a System with Systemic Deficits

New Blog describes the school improvement experiences of three school districts at different points in the improvement process. It then describes the twelve evidence-based components of effective scho...

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Research Does Not Support Growth Mindset Strategies in the Classroom

New Blog summarizes new meta-analytic research showing that growth mindset interventions’ effects on students’ academic achievement are likely due to inadequate study designs, reporting flaws, and inte...

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New Paths to Address Disproportionate Discipline with Black Students: New Directives, Research, Solutions, and Another Example of Racial Hate

Blog discusses solutions for disproportionate disciplinary referrals of students of color and with disabilities in our schools today. Two new research studies and their implications to school practice...

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Why “Do” SEL If It Doesn’t Improve Student Behavior in the Classroom and Across the School?

Blog describes the components, social skills, instructional approach, and implementation characteristics to help schools teach students behaviorally-observable interpersonal, social problem-solving, c...

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