News: Emotional Control/Coping Skills

Reviewing the Educational Challenges of 2022: The Need for Improvement in the Midst of Academic Gaps, Discipline and SEL Problems, School Shootings, and Continued Disproportionality

Blog summarizes and provides links to Blogs published during 2022. Twenty-two Blogs are organized in four themes: School Improvement and Staff Effectiveness; Social Skills Instruction and Social-Emoti...

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The Three Keys to Closing Students’ Academic and Social-Emotional Gaps

Blog discusses the predominant academic and social, emotional, and behavioral challenges for students in our schools today, and describes (with links to a recent national radio interview and past Blog...

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Emotionally Responding to a (Hurricane) Disaster: Short-Term, Long-Term, Adults, and Children

Blog shares personal experiences and professional reflections prompted by Hurricane Ian’s devastation in Fort Myers, Florida. Analysis focuses on student and adult emotional reactions, the response ph...

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The Academic and Social-Emotional Impact of Multiple Moves on Students in Poverty

This Blog discusses the research and real academic, social, emotional, and other impacts of the multiple moves often experienced by students who live in poverty. Educators are encouraged to “seek firs...

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Reviewing Three New Studies on Student Discipline, Disproportionate Office Referrals, and Racial Inequity

New Blog discusses three new studies on student safety and classroom discipline, disproportionate office referrals and school suspensions, and racial equity and students’ need for social-emotional sup...

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Why School Shootings are Extreme SEL Events at the Far End of the Social-Emotional Learning Continuum

This Blog emphasizes that school shootings are extreme events at the far end of the social-emotional learning continuum that often occur due to a combination of incomplete preventative practices and i...

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