Consulting Services: IDEA Planning

Special Education and Multi-Tiered Services (IDEA)

Three of the hallmarks of the 2004 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are the assurances that students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE) through evidence-based strategies and interventions (EBI). Connecting IDEA 2004 with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA/ESSA), districts and schools need to establish:

  • An articulated multi-tiered continuum of services from general to compensatory to special education in both academic and social, emotional, and behavioral areas, and from prevention to strategic intervention to intensive need/wrap-around services.
  • The availability of positive behavioral intervention and support systems that result in positive school and classroom climates and high levels of school safety; students with effective interpersonal, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills; and staff with the skills to complete functional assessments and implement strategic and intensive interventions for students with pivotal social-emotional/behavioral needs.
  • Equity, whereby identifiable groups of students (especially minorities) are not disproportionately found to be eligible for specific areas of disability, and/or do not disproportionately receive excessive levels of discipline (i.e., corporal punishment, suspension, expulsion, alternative learning environment placements).
  • Functional assessment, data-based problem-solving, and strategic and intensive intervention processes--both in the academic or social-emotional-behavioral areas--when students do not respond to effective classroom instruction or effective classroom management, respectively.
  • School-based or School-linked mental health services.

Howie--through Project ACHIEVE's components and strategies--has been active in all of these areas since 1978. He works with schools and districts to help them enhance effective and successful services to all students—but, especially, students with disabilities at mild through extreme levels of need.

IDEA/Special Education Implementation Services:

  • Organizational analyses and needs assessments relative to special education outcomes (especially relative to the federal Special Education "Triggers" and State Performance Plan expectations)
  • Organizational analyses and strategic planning relative to integrating general and special education services, and addressing ESEA/ESSA and IDEA provisions
  • Due process protection services, as well as due process consultation and hearing services
  • Functional behavioral assessment, strategic behavioral interventions, and the creation of school-wide positive behavioral support/SEL systems
  • The development of early intervening Multi-Tiered service and support systems that include effective Student Assistance Team (or the equivalent) and data-based problem-solving processes
  • Development and implementation of effective response-to-instruction-and-intervention assessment, consultation, and intervention processes
  • Curriculum-Based Assessment (CBA/CBM), other functional academic assessments, and strategic Instructional Consultation intervention strategies and approaches
  • Regular and Special Education inclusion, integration, and effective instruction procedures, strategies, and approaches